At first glance, I almost thought that this was a reupload of Crescent's reference sheet that I saw back in 2022. But now that I've taken a closer look, the differences between that version and this new one are night and day (pun intended).
The most significant differences I can see here are the subtle changes in the artstyle - such as the thinner lineart - and more expressive faces on the bottom-left corner. The latter, in particular, has received quite the glowup and they add a lot more character to Crescent than the OG reference sheet.
I also like that Crescent's design is mostly unchanged, aside from her left eye now being fully obscured by her hair. It's a perfect design in my eyes; strong sithoulette, great color scheme, and her moon motif goes well with the themes of the story she plays a part in.
(Additionally, the little tidbit about her being calmer around friends she's known for longer is kinda funny. I can relate.)
All-in-all, this is deserving of a full five star rating, in my opinion.