Coming back from not doing reviews super frequently to say that one glance was all it took for me to think "this must be front-paged ASAP."
Where do I even begin with analyzing what makes this picture so darn visually appealing? I suppose I could start with the noticeable changes in the perspective.
The perspective does an excellent job at presenting the stylish cat woman and beautifully illustrated gold car; even the background frame of the sky and the sets of text beside it on either side* looks titled, creating this illusion that there's a flat image of the sky itself behind the car - or maybe the car's emerging from a rectangular portal into a white void?
The cat woman herself looks stunning as well. The foreshortening helps maintain what the perspective's trying to do, and her pose is pretty good as well; the red flash inbetween her legs serves as a nice touch of flair that reminds me of an unused animation for Girlfriend in Friday Night Funkin'.
The casual gamer-esque outfit this cat gal wears also serves as a somewhat comedic juxtaposition for the fancy gold car that any billionaire would kill to own; the Call Of Duty shirt and its many wrinkles, the un-tied shoes and apparent lack of pants would make the average viewer question in their mind just how this woman was able to aquire such an expensive-looking automobile. (Also, I'm giving bonus points for her having freckles; makes her skin look like vanilla bean ice cream and adds some extra detail for the eyes to observe at. And the alcohol bottle off to the side of the car's hood is a neat touch as well.)
And lastly, before I forget to mention this, the sky in the background is utterly gorgeous. Having read the description of this piece, it must've taken an ungodly amount of hours to draw that and everything else in this picture.
*(Genius idea to use the text on the left side of the background as a watermark!)